What's the best way to select reading glasses? — ReadingGlasses.CO/
Many say the best way is to consult an optometrist. But when we asked our Park Avenue ophthalmologist, he replied, “Unless the patient's annual eye exam dictates otherwise, the use of off-the-shelf readers from a website or retail store will work fine. They won't harm the eyes.”

But if your goal is simply to magnify the fine print on a page or do other close-up work, a pair of reading glasses bought at retail can serve you well.
Styles change and purchasing readers from a website is the easiest and most convenient way to identify great new, or perennial styles. (We must admit, though, we're prejudiced!)
It seems, over time, our schedules have become more and more jammed with things we have to do and places we have to go. Why not streamline all that activity, by shopping websites like ReadingGlasses.CO/.
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